• CurrenciesFx.com

The British Pound Sterling against the US Dollar (GBPUSD)

The British Sterling against the US Dollar (GBPUSD)..The British Pound Sterling against the US Dollar (GBPUSD) is a very liquid Forex pair.

  • The most active hours of GBP/USD are between 8:00 am (EST) and 12:00 noon (EST), as both the US and the European Markets are open for trading

  • GBPUSD accounts for about 11.4% of the Foreign Exchange market volume



  • Best Time to Trade: 08.00 GMT and 15.00 GMT

  • Best Months to go Long:  APRIL | JUNE

  • Best Months to go Short:  MAY

  • Correlation: EURUSD


The US Dollar against the Swiss Franc (USDCHF)

The US Dollar against the Swiss Franc (USDCHF)The US Dollar against the Swiss Franc (USDCHF) accounts for 4.4% of the total Foreign Exchange market volume.

  • CHF weights 3.6% in the US Dollar Index
  • The Swiss Franc is the is used in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Campione d’ Italia.



  • The best time to trade USDCHF: is between 13:00 GMT and 14:00 GMT

  • Best Months to go Long:  NO

  • Best Months to go Short:  JUNE | DECEMBER

  • Positive Correlations: USDJPY | GBPJPY

  • Negative Correlations: EURUSD | GBPUSD | AUDUSD


The US Dollar against the Canadian Dollar (USDCAD)

The US Dollar against the Canadian Dollar (USDCAD)The US Dollar against the Canadian Dollar (USDCAD) is a medium-volatility financial asset and a relatively liquid Forex pair. USDCAD is highly correlated to the price of crude oil.



Canada is a major commodity exporter, and that includes crude oil, natural gas, ferrous metals, and non-ferrous metals. Canada exports about 2 million oil barrels to the United States daily. Overall, 85% of all Canadian exports are going to the United States.


The Australian Dollar against the US Dollar (AUDUSD)

The Australian Dollar against the US DollarThe Australian Dollar against the US Dollar (AUDUSD) is a highly volatile Forex pair when measured on a daily basis.

  • AUDUSD accounts for 6.5% of the total Foreign Exchange market volume
  • AUDUSD has had an 80% positive correlation to the price of gold and a 90% positive correlation to the New Zealand dollar
  • During the past two decades, the correlation between copper and Aussie is more than 70%




The New Zeeland Dollar against the US Dollar (NZDUSD)

The New Zeeland Dollar against the US DollarThe New Zeeland Dollar against the US Dollar (NZDUSD) is a highly-volatile Forex pair on a day-to-day basis.

  • New Zealand is a major exporter of raw materials, and NZD is a commodity currency
  • The New Zealand Dollar is the official currency of New Zealand, Tokelau, Cook Islands, Pitcairn Islands, and Niue
  • NZDUSD accounts of about 1.9% of the toal Forex market volume




Credit Ratings and Agencies

Credit ratings provide global investors with insight regarding the level of risk associated with a particular country...Sovereign Credit Rating

Credit ratings provide insight regarding the level of risk associated with a particular country.


  • Credit rating agencies offer information about whether bond issuers can meet their future obligations

  • There are three major rating agencies: Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch

Investment Grades per Agency

□ Moody’s considers a Baa3 or higher rating to be of investment grade, Ba1 and below is considered speculative

□ Standard & Poor's considers BBB- or higher rating to be investment grade, and BB+ or lower is considered to be speculative or "junk" grade

□ Fitch, like S&P, considers BBB- or higher rating to be investment grade, and BB+ or lower is considered to be speculative or "junk" grade


Investigating the history of the Foreign Exchange Market...

An exchange rate refers to the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency...

Learn about Central Banks, Credit Rating Firms, and other key Institutions in the Foreign Exchange Market...